DNA & Genealogy

What is DNA and why should you care about it? Because a DNA test can help you discover your familial background, heritage and maybe even some key health-related indicators. We’ve reviewed the biggest as well as a few smaller company’s DNA tests to find the best. We’ve also considered pricing, pros, cons, key features and more. We’ll help you discover your history by selecting the proper DNA test. We also help to better understand what is involved in DNA testing.

Richard Hill with adopted family

Interview With Richard Hill: A Quest To Find Birth Parents Through DNA Testing

Richard Hill discovered he was adopted as a teenager and then spent a good part of his adult life trying to piece together the puzzle of finding his birth parents. Thanks to at-home DNA tests the process was much easier than expected and he was able to uncover some exciting facts that led to some significant discoveries in his life. Since then, he’s written a book and makes it his mission to help others do the same. We got the chance to interview him and are happy to share his story with our readers in hopes it will inspire others too…

Interview With Richard Hill: A Quest To Find Birth Parents Through DNA Testing Read More »

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