
Yoga has been around for ages and is know for bringing together the spirit, mind and body so that we can better enjoy our time on this earth. Whether learning yoga asana poses to support a healthier back and neck or seeking spiritual guidance from a higher power within via meditation, there is no question that yoga can enhance your life.

Yoga Poses for Back Pain

Yoga Poses for Back Pain

Yoga is a collection of stretches that gradually increase in difficulty. When performing yoga, you not only focus on the part of the body that you are stretching and the performance of the stretching activity itself. You also place great concentration on your breathing, posture and balance. Because yoga is meant to increase with difficulty over time and with practice, you should never experience pain while doing yoga. If you are experiencing pain, decrease the intensity of the stretch until you are able to do the exercise without experiencing pain…

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Suzy backbend on the beach

Bahamas Yoga Retreat with Suzy McCalley

This is not your “average” yoga retreat. We’ll be integrating various modalities like reiki, Emotional Freedom Tapping (aka EFT), group coaching and more to help you connect deeper with your self, your body, mind and an awesome pop-up community created just for the retreat. You will be challenged – whether that means letting go and relaxing, or going deeper into a stretch, or maybe it’s experiencing a difficult emotion or even building up a detoxifying sweat. Be sure to read to the bottom for event details and an exclusive coupon code for our readers…

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Beginning Meditation: First Steps In My Journey

Beginning Meditation: First Steps In My Journey

If you are stress free, stop reading this. Or maybe finding your inner light and purpose are of no importance to you. But, if you are like me, life is filled with stress every minute of every day and it is hard to find a quiet place to be still. This is life in the modern age. However, we do not have to accept this as our reality 24/7. In fact, I refuse to accept stress as my norm any longer. This is why I started a daily meditation practice three months ago and have not looked back. It may not have dissolved all of the stress in my life but it has certainly provided new tools for calming the mind in busy times while also allowing for more mindful moments in my daily life…

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